
Saturday, January 15, 2011

More Nids

Mouth isn't glued

So picked this up Thursday, and knocked him out last night.  Thankfully he was already put together, as that saved alot of time.  I primed him Thursday night, and painted him last night, dip was brushed on at 12am or so.  I also finished five Genestealers, no pictures yet.

this thing is huge
I should have put a model in the picture to give a representation of size.  Below you can see I did add some highlights to the claws.
little highlights
Nice drybrush (sorta wet, light overbrush) really added some nice details.
Seymor, Feed Me!
So for painted Tyranids I have:


I've painted some Orks in between, and need to pick up the pace a bit.  Today I'll pick up 500pts of Chaos, that need alot of work (see summary).  Not sure how I will tackle these already painted figs, I don't have the time to strip them, so I will have to do some touch up work.  All the Chaos bases need to be scraped and redone as well.

I'm shooting to do a summary of progress post on Sunday for each Army.

(EDIT:  I picked up my Orks last night for inventory, unfortunately it appears I will have to strip a majority of these models.  So will take 'styx' advice, and use the tire cleaner he recommended.

Chaos models were surprisingly good, and will only require touch-ups.)


  1. Dude! Dude! That's awesome i like the colors also the blue blends great with the washed bone. Now i'll be honest and say the only Dex i don't have is BT.....cause the book is ancient. I wish i had one now though but anyway ATSKNF is great now with reg. movement plus 3 inches and i think it will help BT.

  2. Nids are looking sweet! I like the blue/black on the bone, they compliment well.

  3. Thanks! Wish I could take the credit, but the dip does all the work. I just have to keep a steady hand for big stuff, and drybrush :-)

    FAQ really helped BT's but they're still pricey pts wise, I have alot of them too. I really need to gather up all my armies (and partial armies) and take some pics.
